After a couple of weeks of lacking the attention span to finish a book, I find myself recovered and on something of a reading binge. In just the past few days I’ve read Jedediah Berry’s The Manual of Detection, Charles Stross’s Saturn’s Children, and Joanna Russ’s We Who Are About To…. I’m currently working my way through Nancy Kress’s collection Beaker’s Dozen, but when I finish that it will be time for another novel. The question is: which one? I have a huge stack of unread fiction, which you can look at on LibraryThing. I have a few preferences among those; some books I’m more interested in than others. Help me decide what I should read next.
What Book Should E. J. Read Next?
- Something else from my unread list, which I will identify in the comments. (44%, 4 Votes)
- A FIRE UPON THE DEEP by Vernor Vinge (33%, 3 Votes)
- LIGHT by M. John Harrison (0%, 0 Votes)
- THE ALGEBRAIST by Iain M. Banks (0%, 0 Votes)
- MOCKINGBIRD by Sean Stewart (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 9

April 23, 2009 — 4:58 pm
I voted for Vinge, but I think the really adventurous thing to do would be to let people suggest books and vote them up and down. You’d likely end up reading something by Dr. Phil, but it’d be more fun for me.
April 23, 2009 — 5:12 pm
Huh. You and I have a fair lot of overlap in our unread list. So, wanting to vote for something I’ve actually read, and being a good Irish girl, I’ll cast my ballot for The Dubliners.
Jeff Chunn
April 23, 2009 — 5:18 pm
Eugene Fischer
April 23, 2009 — 5:45 pm
Jeff: Already read it. Pick something else.
Eugene Fischer
April 23, 2009 — 5:48 pm
Ken: Ah, but that would be counter to my goal of shrinking the stack of books I already own but haven’t read. It would be interesting, though.
April 23, 2009 — 6:41 pm
Regarding my vote, I just think that THE BRIEF AND WONDEROUS LIFE OF OSCAR WAO has an awesome cover. I know nothing about it or the other books.
April 23, 2009 — 6:42 pm
That said, it looks like there is some crazy shit in A FIRE UPON THE DEEP:
Tracie W.
April 23, 2009 — 7:51 pm
Since I’m not familiar with the books on your survey, my vote is for Atwood’s Oryx and Crake.
April 24, 2009 — 2:24 am
Winter’s Tale, or Wind-up Bird. Otherwise, Light. Winter’s Tale is my favourite of the three; Light made me excited about science fiction.
Eugene Fischer
August 4, 2009 — 2:58 pm
A note from the future: the next book I read ended up being A FIRE UPON THE DEEP.